Birmingham’s 5 Quality Streetwear Brands Right Now

Birmingham’s 5 Quality Streetwear Brands Right Now

Birmingham Yes, lovely people. The midlands is a place I travel to often, especially Birmingham. 100 miles away from London. Boasting a huge population of...
Birmingham Yes, lovely people. The midlands is a place I travel to often, especially Birmingham. 100 miles away from London. Boasting a huge population of 830,000 (2023) according to macrotrends latest statistics. I Love the city, the people, the atmosphere, the food and if course the Brum accent. Bham (Short for Birmingham) is a place of some of the most underrated streetwear brands in the country, in my opinion. 0121 lets get this!!!!!! Birmingham is the home of top UK Grime Rap artists Mist, Jaykae, M1llionz, Jude Bellingham and Lady Leshur. The list goes on and on. There is no...