5 Most Over-Rated Players Currently In The Premier League

5 Most Over-Rated Players Currently In The Premier League

Here we take a look at 5 over-rated players currently plying their trade in the Premier League. Over-rated by fans, media and bloggers alike. Over-hyped...
Here we take a look at 5 over-rated players currently plying their trade in the Premier League. Over-rated by fans, media and bloggers alike. Over-hyped disappointments who flatter to deceive, who have flopped for the majority of their Premier League careers. In no way is this article meant as disrespect to the mentioned players. We recognise there are factors off the pitch that could impact their performances and it is not a merely a case of players being over-rated, so we hope any players mentioned are getting the medical support and support from their manager and team- mates that they...
AC Milan’s VIP Pitchside Experience: Elevating Football Hospitality in 2024

AC Milan’s VIP Pitchside Experience: Elevating Football Hospitality in 2024

Reading Time: 2 minutes AC Milan now offering a pitchside VIP experience, inspired by the courtside experience of the NBA super fans

Italian football giants AC Milan have launched pitchside seating for VIP ticket holders and fans. The move is inspired by the NBA courtside seating, which is a big premium ticket in the world of Sports and Entertainment. The LA Lakers brought out Hollywood superstars in the 1980s, adding to the appeal of their style of basketball at the time, known as 'Showtime'. The Barclays Arena and Madison Square Garden in New York, home of the Brooklyn Nets and New York Knicks respectively, often have musicians, actors, and other types of 'A' list personalities courtside throughout the season. Increasingly, we are...