Coffee Shop Exclusive Interview With Tony Thompson.

Coffee Shop Exclusive Interview With Tony Thompson.

Reading Time: 2 minutes Interview with Tony from Tone Coffee Shop Tony Thompson, Founder - Tone Coffee Shop. Coffee shop Over the weekend, BestBlogAbout caught up with Tony Thompson, the founder and owner of Tone Coffee Shop in High Wycombe for an exclusive interview. We chopped it up with him about his business and also his history and background.  We asked Tony what inspired him to open a coffee shop. He told us that he wanted to create a space where people from all walks of life could come together and connect. He also wanted to create a place where people could enjoy a high-quality cup of coffee as well...
9 Reasons Why Modern Fashion Is So High In Price

9 Reasons Why Modern Fashion Is So High In Price

Modern Fashion is the epitome of self-expression and has a crazy following, but there's no denying that it often comes with a hefty price tag....
Modern Fashion is the epitome of self-expression and has a crazy following, but there's no denying that it often comes with a hefty price tag. If you've ever wondered why your favourite streetwear pieces cost a pretty penny, let's break it down for you. The Exclusivity Factor Limited supply and high demand are major culprits. Many black-owned streetwear brands create limited runs of their clothing. They do it to keep things fresh and exclusive, but it drives up the prices. When something's rare and in demand, people are willing to pay more for it. Quality Comes at a Cost Streetwear...