Cortiez Crib Crep Slippers drip Unleashed

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CRTZSlippers_Black_03_940x Cortiez Crib Crep Slippers drip Unleashed

Featured in Cortiez’s latest drop in December 2023 are the Cortiez Crib crip slippers for lounging around the house. The slippers come in black and have a padded cushioned footbed.

Screenshot-2023-12-25-at-20.36.35-832x1024 Cortiez Crib Crep Slippers drip Unleashed
CRTZSlippers_Black_04_1200x1200-png-1024x1024 Cortiez Crib Crep Slippers drip Unleashed
CRTZSlippers_Black_06_940x Cortiez Crib Crep Slippers drip Unleashed
CRTZSlippers_Black_05_940x Cortiez Crib Crep Slippers drip Unleashed

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