Footballer Phil Foden is he really world-class?

Footballer Phil Foden is he really world-class?

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foden-1024x576 Footballer Phil Foden is he really world-class?

Let’s talk about Phil Foden

The sports term ‘world class’ gets batted around a lot these days without any kind of debate. So the question is quite simple is Phil Foden world class? For me in my opinion not quite yet. Does he have world class potential? Yes, He has that quality in abundance.

cshow Footballer Phil Foden is he really world-class?

I think back to the times of Messi, Maradona, R9, Ronaldo, Zidane et al. Players that did it for club and country. These players have been consistent throughout their playing careers. I also get that players don’t always necessarily fulfil their international careers, especially these days. But the elite players drove them to trophies.

Now before all you Man City fans and Phil Foden fans come at me. Foden’s technical ability is excellent, dribbling shooting, and passing are spot on. On the eye test, he is a joy to watch and a crowd-pleaser. Foden has had a very good season in 2023/24 so far scoring some absolute belters.

Screenshot-2024-04-11-at-19.09.28-1024x348 Footballer Phil Foden is he really world-class?

No one can question his massive trophy cabinet, Foden has won it all. Foden is having his best season in terms of his goal tally. The problem is that Foden is a number 10 and should be played in that position. He is often moved to the right or the left of the Pep system and doesn’t always get to fulfil his potential there as Kevin De Bruyne has to be catered for. I often feel that Foden gets pushed off the ball way too easily due to his light frame.

Foden plays in a team with mostly world-class international players and the pressure on the 23-year-old must be immense. Pep Guardiola said this recently.

Who am I to argue with Pep Guardiola arguably if not the greatest football manager to exist on the planet. The sample size is looking good. I guess for me I need to see him in the Euros and possibly a main starter next season 2024/25 season scoring consistently like this season to take the world class potential tag away to world class player.

cshow Footballer Phil Foden is he really world-class?

I believe he has all the ingredients to be that world class player I just think we should all just cool off a bit and let him do his thing. Even Phil Foden was quoted saying he didn’t think he was world class. But I’ve never heard a footballer call themself world class have you? He said this.

Big Phil agrees with me consistency is the key. He’s scored in some big games this season against Man United and Real Madrid but I’ve also seen him go missing in big games against Arsenal and Liverpool where he failed to really impact the game. A lot of YouTube content creators have been over-gassing (Boosting) Phil Foden up to levels that are embarrassing.

He is currently on form as Manchester City’s best midfielder and Pep should play him consistently in his favourite position in the centre of midfield as an attacking midfield (10). This is where Phil Foden does damage and can dictate play.

Screenshot-2024-04-11-at-19.18.30 Footballer Phil Foden is he really world-class?
Pupil and Tutor

He has the vision and sees a pass, and can dribble and shoot from any distance. Now is not the time to compare him to other ballers in the premier league. I think Phil needs to be in his own lane for now. By the end of Foden’s playing career, he will look back on all his achievements and go down as one of the best players of Man City history, the premier league and down and crowned world class. Foden is still only 23 years old and still have levels to rise to.

Let us know what you think in the comments section. is Phil Foden world class? Please share with others to open up the debate.

One thought on “0

  1. honestly back in the days 90’s, early 2000’s, international managers where in contact with club managers as to how to get the best of a certain player, and let the player play his game. In the case of Folden, 2 different systems, 1 manager is considered the goat the other a donkey and a half. Folden has done it time and time again for his club, this year he has taken it up a level. He has the proper competition to push him to new levels. Unfortunatly the way england playes does not suit Folden, so im afraid you wont see him step up to the highest level in football. Unless from now till the euros he turns into maradona and leads england to be euro champions.

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