The Wonderful World of Maison DéRIVE

The Wonderful World of Maison DéRIVE

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IMG_20231213_222726_422-1024x683 The Wonderful World of Maison DéRIVE

Certain individuals transcend the ordinary and redefine the extraordinary. Today, DéRIVE Drift Founder of luxury streetwear brand Maison DéRIVE took time out to talk to Best Blog About This isn’t merely an interview. It’s an exploration into the motivations and passions that have fueled Drift remarkable journey. As we peel back the layers of expertise and insight, be prepared to be inspired, challenged, and enlightened. A big shout out to DéRIVE Breezo too as not all hero’s wear capes !!!!!!!

Tell us about Maison DéRIVE. When did the brand start?

The company was incorporated in Cannes in 2019 I took a woman out there and we were wandering around some real picturesque backstreets. I told her my idea and asked her what she thought. She told me I was amazing I’m powerful and I can do whatever I wanna to do. Lo and Behold this is where we are.

Can you tell us what the name Maison DéRIVE. means?

DéRIVE translates to ‘Drift’ in English. It’s not like the drift in a car or drifting around in French it has a much deeper meaning. The 1956 “Theory of DéRIVE” encourages citizens to explore unplanned routes or destinations. In essence, DéRIVE means to be free. Maison means high fashion reference Maison DéRIVE, Maison Dior, Maison Martin Margiela it gave it that luxury feel and put it in that luxury bracket.

Tell us about the French influences behind the brand?

The French influence in the brand is more part of me! when I was a young boy. I’m 35 years old going to Aiya Napa and all these places were hot destinations for young men and women but I had no desire to go to those places. I was happy to stay in the hood, stay in the ends and hustle and do what I had to do. I was obsessed with the south of France.

I wanted to go to France. I wanted to go to St Tropez, Monaco, Nice to Cannes. When I was a bit older, I had a bit more of a stable lifestyle. I took myself to those places, and I’ve always had an infatuation with the French Riveria and the feeling and the vibe of that place.

There’s something special about that city Cannes There is a vibe there, an energy that I can’t really describe. It’s a feeling, and I wanted to capture it. Also, Cannes is a major European city without a major fashion house attached to it. So I wanted to be the first clothing brand to come out here to this luxurious town and city.

Where do you get your creative inspiration from?

I am not a formal artist, designer or graphic designer. I am self-taught in all of my design methods. For me, I get inspiration from what I see around, and what’s in front of me. I have a very abstract approach to design.

So I like to see things and re-interpret or remix. I like to create art. I call it organised chaos, and I like to play with the term visual engineering. I like to engineer things how I see it. Engineer it how my mind interprets it. I do catch a lot of inspiration from places people and existing art.

Tell us the story about Anthony Joshua when he rocked up to Box Park?

AJ is a very good person, a good human. Great role model to the youth and a genuine supporter. Maison DéRIVE came onto his radar through our promotional campaigns. He loved what we were doing. He sent us some messages of encouragement. And wanted us to know that our hard work wasn’t going in vain.

Actually, it was a crazy story because we were invited to some party the night before. The whole DéRIVE team got invited to a party on Saturday night but on the last day of our pop-up shop. Everyone was feeling a bit rough from the night before.

So I was upstairs catching a breather in Box Park. And I as getting some food. Just as I was about to eat some food. I got the call that the big dawg. The big man pulled up downstairs. I took my food and went downstairs to greet AJ and say what up!!!

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Who is your target audience, and how do you tailor your designs to resonate with their preferences and lifestyles?

Every day we design with a purpose and with meaning. Every design is sought after and there’s always a theory and meaning behind everything we do. My target audience and the people I’m trying capture are the people that resonate with our designs.

The people that aren’t scare to wear a multi-coloured shirt, that’s been made from a piece of art and that’s been scanned in. We’re not trying to fit within a box. Our target audience are those who aren’t scared to be themselves and express themselves.

There’s no age limit in regards to fashion. You could be 15 years old or 55 years old you can express yourself in these loud flamboyant DéRIVE pieces then those are the people who I do it for. As well as the ones that respect our more toned-down and more less in-your-face stuff. I respect everyone’s right to expression

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Tell us about your brand’s values?

The main value of DéRIVE is to be free. We celebrate freedom, we celebrate the right to wander to explore. To follow your own path without any route or destination. Other values are to respect art and culture, and respect people. Be nice, and build relationships. Let those relationships blossom.

Anyone we’ve worked with we have kept a great line of contact with. We try not to burn any bridges.

What is your favourite design out of your collection and why?

My favourite design graphic-wise is the OG classic it’s timeless. It’s actually the first piece of digital art ever made. The pictures and the content within that print are from Cannes. From my trip to Cannes in 2019. And I just think it’s got a timeless, unique look about it.

The second piece would be the Paradise shirt. It’s a shirt I made from a piece of art. I made a canvas out of old magazines and scanned it in with the fine art. I placed it onto a silk shirt. And I got our manufacturer to make a silk print out of that fabric and we put it together and it’s a masterpiece.

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Where do you see your streetwear brand in the next few years? Are there any exciting developments, expansions, or new directions you are planning for the future?

I find the UK streetwear market saturated. I find it watered down. There’s generic streetwear looks that people fall into and I’m not with that. I’ve had no formal fashion school training or anything of that sort.

I am just a boy from the ends that sees things through my own eyes and tries to interpret what I like through my designs and my garments. There is healthy attention in the streetwear market. And the real talent will shine through.

I just find it difficult to navigate through an over-saturated scene. A lot of brands are built off trends and not strong foundations and groundbreaking innovations.

I would like to see more bespoke designs within the streetwear community. Bridging the gap between Luxury fashion has been a major thing in the last few years. I would like to it go in that direction.

I want to see young talent who are creating innovating, and curating new pieces. I want them to get the attention they fully deserve. I love seeing people win. I am looking forward to seeing what the world can develop as far as innovation.

It’s a great place to be in and a great time to be alive, and I am excited for DéRIVE and the streetwear community worldwide.

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